Mishaela Member replied

561 weeks ago

After open beta (though probably not immediately after) we will be cleaning up the membership/permissions and old applications on this site to trim the list down to players who are still active. (Read More)

Mishaela Member replied

561 weeks ago

Anyone not in the FC at the end of open beta will be removed from the list during the week between open beta and early access.

If you missed open beta or if you were undecided or something and didn't get transferred over to the FC (or if you were removed by accident because your guildwork name didn't indicate your in-game name very well), don't worry just drop in an application to let us know you're still around and interested!

Additionally, we have/had a few pending applications from the limbo period between the end of 1.x and ARR's launch. These will be deleted since we don't know if those people are still interested in joining. If your app was deleted and you're still interested, this doesn't mean you're unwelcome–just drop in a new application to let us know you're still around and interested!

Isis replied

561 weeks ago

Mish, your organization and attention to detail is much appreciated. Sloppy LS/FC's can get stressful. :D

Cannot wait to play tomorrow with you all!

Tiras Member replied

561 weeks ago

Mish, your organization and attention to detail is much appreciated. Sloppy LS/FC's can get stressful. :D

Cannot wait to play tomorrow with you all!Isis

You should have seen the casual shell in 1.0. They had to keep remaking it because of the character limit and you couldn't kick people without being online and in the same area as them, meaning inactive players were taking up space with nothing that could be done about it.

Mishaela Member replied

558 weeks ago

Cleanup is mostly done now. Good luck to old members who transferred servers!

There were also a good number of members who were inactive and/or unidentifiable who have been set to public access, to be removed later after having a chance to confirm they're not still around. If you're still in RD (or were previously in RD and are intending to rejoin us but haven't yet) and are unable to see the member forums please post here.
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